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Planning Application

Erection of detached workshop outbuilding
Mr John Cariss
Application Date: 
Thursday, 16th May 2019 01:00am


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Shropshire Local Plan Review (2016 – 2036)

Local Plan Consultation Responses

Shropshire Council has recently published a summary of the consultation responses which were received on the ‘Issues and Strategic Options’ for the new Local Plan during an eight week consultation on the Issues and Strategic Options for the new Local Plan, which closed on 20th March 2017. A copy of the summary can be viewed and downloaded at: http://shropshire.gov.uk/planning-policy/local-plan/local-plan-partial-review-2016-2036/

Local Plan Review Timetable

Shropshire Council agreed an updated timetable for the Local Plan Review at a meeting of the Council’s Cabinet on 21st June 2017. The timetable describes the proposed stages and timing of the review process. The updated timetable (called the Local Development Scheme or LDS) can be viewed here: http://shropshire.gov.uk/planning-policy/local-plan/local-development-scheme-(lds)/ 

Further stages of targeted consultation on ‘Preferred Options’ for different aspects of the new Local Plan are proposed over the next 12 months. Further information on these targeted consultations will be provided on the Shropshire Council website as soon as they become available.