GP collective action to take place across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin
Dear colleagues and stakeholders,
With news that General Practice (GP) nationwide are taking collective action from Thursday 1 August 2024, health leaders from across the local health and care system are asking the public to continue to come forward for care as usual.
Although not classed as industrial (strike) action, GP collective action is anticipated to disrupt services within General Practice and across the wider health system, including hospital services and community pharmacy.
Partners across the Integrated Care System (ICS) are working closely together to manage the situation and respond accordingly. We would like to reassure patients and residents that we will be monitoring the situation closely so that every step can be taken to ensure care continues to be delivered safely and that patient needs continue to be met.
Important information for all patients:
As has been shared publicly, patients are advised that General Practices across the county are still open and seeing patients, however some may be directing patients to other local health services. Appointments can still be booked through GP practices and all patients are advised to still attend a scheduled healthcare appointment unless otherwise advised.
We are also asking patients to please continue to use the healthcare service which best suits your needs, including NHS 111 online or call 111 for urgent health advice as normal. More details, that can be shared on patients-facing platforms, are included below.
To find out which service is right for you, you can also refer to the following guidance for help and advice: Think Which Service.
If you need urgent medical advice, and it’s not an emergency, please visit or call 111 from any landline or mobile phone. For life threatening emergencies, dial 999.
How you can help the local healthcare system:
o Bridgnorth Community Hospital
o Whitchurch Community Hospital
Your local pharmacist may also be able to offer treatment and some prescription medicine for some conditions, without you needing to see a GP (this is called Pharmacy First). If you go to a pharmacy with one of these conditions, the pharmacist will offer you advice, treatment or refer you to another healthcare professional if needed. Conditions they can treat as part of this service are:
· earache (aged 1 to 17 years)
· impetigo (aged 1 year and over)
· infected insect bites (aged 1 year and over)
· shingles (aged 18 years and over)
· sinusitis (aged 12 years and over)
· sore throat (aged 5 years and over)
· urinary tract infections or UTIs (women aged 16 to 64 years)
More information on the GP collective action can be found here: GP collective action across Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin - NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin (
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